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Feed yourself and your village

The best way to save money is to grow your own food. We understand that most of us don’t have much water or much land, so we try to teach you how to grow food with little space and little water.

Have a look at this video of Auguste in Windhoek – if you think it can’t be done…then see what Auguste has to say!

This Wiki is sorted so that you can find the information easily and you can start growing things, no matter where you are:

Production systems explain the different methods you can grow your own food, from aquaponics to wicking beds to deep soil and many more.

Don’t worry, you will learn all about these. We are also showing you which one’s are easy/cheap to build and which one’s are more difficult or cost more money.

The section on vegetables, animals and insects explain in detail each of these different things you can produce and how to care for them. They can be grown in different production systems and often they can be put together with other systems to make them even better.

We are trying to give every production systems a recipe on how much you need to feed 10 people. Then you can easily calculate how much you need for your family or your village. You need to try for yourself though, not all systems produce the same everywhere. It depends on the temperature, rain and how you care for them.

We are trying to build this system so you can feed a village of 70 people with 1000L of water per hour (20 000 Liters per day) anywhere in Namibia, on only 5 ha of land.

As a small motivation, here’s a video of one guy having a market garden of 40 000 m2, working only by himself 35 hours per week, and earning more than 100 000 USD per year….it can be done 🙂

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